The Tulip and the Frog

The Tulip and the Frog

Somehow, I find such joy in the simplicity of a simple flower. I practice taking pictures of all the things I think are beautiful (when I can remember to!) as I go through my day. I use these pictures every morning as part of my gratitude journal. My journal is an app...
The Path and the Headlight Strategy

The Path and the Headlight Strategy

This morning I was taking my dog Bella out for a walk and came down this wooden pathway that I have taken so many times before. But this time something struck me. A branch was hanging down over the path, torn down from last night’s rain and blocking view of the path...
The Power of Purpose

The Power of Purpose

We were working with a large retail company with a well-developed sense of identity and purpose. They believed in providing their customers with products and services to support their health and wellness. This ideology was clear and admirable, but they were selling...
The Blue Square of Focus

The Blue Square of Focus

I am currently in the grind of writing my second book. I’m working hard to stay focused and committed so I made a bet with myself and declared it to a friend of mine. If I don’t write for two to three hours every workday for the next 15 days (to get this writing...
A Rock ‘n’ Roll Leader

A Rock ‘n’ Roll Leader

One of the most significant milestones in the quest to awaken true leadership is when an individual realizes their fundamental strengths and purpose; when a leader discovers their core and true innate ability. At that moment, a person discovers their leadership...
Smarter Leadership, Part 2

Smarter Leadership, Part 2

Last month, we looked at smarter ways to lead others in a company undergoing change. Now it’s time to explore the more “personal” side of smarter leadership that’s required for successful transformation. Three principles apply here. 1. Schedule “thinking...