Inclusive Leadership is Effective Leadership

Better Culture, Better Business
Allow employees to feel proud about your company’s values, hiring practices and treatment of people and prevent internal friction caused by unintentional toxic behavior. Inclusive leadership practices are linked to longer employee life cycles and more effective work. Don’t lose out on top talent, customer goodwill or business opportunities because of public fallout caused by bad (or non-existent) DEI&J efforts.

Clarity, Insight, Transformation
A uniquely effective approach to achieving positive change. Thought-leadership, current research, small group time as well as learner-led sections allow executives to learn through both facts and experience instead of hear-say. And instead of DEI&J remaining a nagging afterthought to be reconciled with other priorities, leaders learn to integrate inclusion into strategic and organizational decisions from the beginning.

Industry-Leading Executive Development Inclusion Training
Profit from a holistic learning program that is custom-fitted to your organizational needs. Four highly engaging modules that can be completed in two days or two months — in person, online or via hybrid model. From large group sessions, “table” teams or small group processes to integrating current research articles, self-assessments, videos and somatic experiences, participants get challenged, encouraged-and time flies.

A Selection of Our Clients

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Change isn't always easy, but it can start right now.