This Moment: 3 Minutes and 3 Steps to Being a More Effective Leader

This Moment: 3 Minutes and 3 Steps to Being a More Effective Leader

I was literally in the final aisle where you wait for the cashier amidst the store’s last-ditch effort to sell you one last item. As I am walking towards the cash register, I look to my right, where there are mugs on the shelf (see picture). Looking around for...
Taking Off Again

Taking Off Again

After 15 months of being grounded, I am back on an airplane, literally writing this from 20K feet. I’ll admit that this is a bit weird, foreign and familiar all at the same time. If you are about to re-enter the world of travel, I hope these insights and tips...
Catalyst for Hire Part I

Catalyst for Hire Part I

You know how when you hear something 2-3 times you start paying attention? This is what has happened to me over the last month while writing a chapter of my second book. A story surfaced about work I did years ago and with time passing, I am now seeing it in a...
Catalyst for Hire Part II

Catalyst for Hire Part II

It is crazy to me that I launched my new company and my new website,, this spring and that I am just now coming to this realization. I have struggled with developing this website because I did not feel comfortable making it about me and showcasing all...
Clues, Yellow VW’s, and Purpose

Clues, Yellow VW’s, and Purpose

Clues to better understand our own purpose and how they connect to the organizations we belong to are everywhere. Research shows that when we look for something, our brains go into search mode to find it. The question makes our brain “sticky” so that when it does show...
The Gift of Others

The Gift of Others

Do you ever feel like you don’t understand your own power and impact until you open up to someone else? I recently had a powerful experience that reminded me of this lesson that I keep learning. Eckhart Tolle says it well, “…my relationships are here to make me...