It is crazy to me that I launched my new company and my new website,, this spring and that I am just now coming to this realization.

I have struggled with developing this website because I did not feel comfortable making it about me and showcasing all the work I’ve done in order to have work help others with their purpose – The work that I am deeply passionate about, the work that I am still learning huge amounts about, the work that I am knee-deep in writing the second book about called Mastering Your Purpose. If you notice the word is an action word, “Mastering” versus “Master.” Evolving, growing, moving ahead. This purpose stuff is not for the faint of heart – when you really work at it, it continues to evolve and emerge in ways you could never have imagined.

It takes courage, persistence, and clarity to be on this purpose journey and I can’t imagine it any other way. I keep seeing new things about myself, things that I am finally accepting and realizing make me magnificent. There I said it. For the fear of sounding egotistical, I have shed my brilliance in ways so that I wouldn’t be called egotistical, self-centered… I’ve been in the shadows with my truth. This is an incredibly vulnerable place to be writing this at the moment for me. My hope is that as you are on your purpose journey you will come to realize your unique purpose and embrace it. That you will continue to dig and play and will struggle and push and pull on it in a way that enables you to see why you are really here.

On the cusp of this new journey for me, I am so happy you are with me on it. For I can’t do it alone. It will only be with you, (and hopefully moving something inside you as well) and other friends who will help me realize my purpose – to wake us up to what really matters and dance in it – to be the catalyst for big, scary, amazing things to happen like the one I’m going to share in my next story.