Team Purpose to Performance Program

Ignite your team’s purpose and achieve breakthrough results.

This powerful program helps Fortune 500 teams uncover their unique purpose and translate it into a high-performing, results-driven strategy.

The process is legacy-making for the teams who are committed.

Is your team capable of achieving their full potential?

Alignment with team purpose is the key to reaching profound potential. This brief assessment can help you determine if your team set up for success.

Do these problems sound familiar?

Stagnant performance:

  • Do you feel like your team has more potential, but don’t know how to access it?
  • Do team member simply check off tasks rather than trying to think about problems in new ways and create strategic solutions?

Lack of team motivation:

  • Is there a lack of collaboration across departments?
  • Do people feel like they’re stepping on toes if they are not “staying within their lane”?

    Working with restrictive silos:

    • Is there a lack of appreciation for other people within the organization?
    • Do you feel restricted and unable to communicate with other departments?
    • Does your team not understand how initiatives connect within the organization?

    Unproductive meetings:

    • Is there a lack of collaboration in meetings?
    • Is there a sense the people feel like meetings are a waste of time?
    • Are individuals afraid to speak up in meetings?

    Program Benefits

    The process has been used at Fortune 500 companies with profound effects. At CVS, this process was the catalyst to help them decide to eliminate the sale of tobacco, a $15 billion division within their company.

    At Danone it helped the global operations team to become best in class and improve sales within one year.

    • Break down destructive silos
    • Level-up team performance
    • Resolve internal conflict at the source
    • Improve morale and motivation at the individual level
    • Achieve big, hairy, audacious goals!

    What Our Clients Say

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    Ready to Get Started?

    Fill out the form to access a short assessment to find out how well aligned your team is on their purpose and if they are set up for success.