Client Case Studies

Retail: Technology Alignment
The Team Purpose to PerformanceTM Process resulted in aligning on four major areas that focused their efforts down to only those essential projects that met their strategic priorities. This alignment enabled faster response time and great client satisfaction.

Donna Sams | Senior Vice President | CVS Health
Merger & Integration: Telecommunications
Laura Stone Inc. came in to identify with the client what change was needed and to map the process. We identified the key stakeholders, issues, goals, milestones and agreements needed for each phase. And we defined a shared vision for a successful integration. In less than two months, we helped gain senior management buy-in, create an integration team, charter the project, and define functional responsibilities. Most important, we helped identify and resolve critical cross-functional issues and interdependencies that were vital to the success of the integration.
While this dedicated team focused on the transition, the rest of the organization was allowed to focus on day-to-day business operations. The business achieved “best in the country” results, ahead of its projected goals. Currently, the process is being used as a prototype for future acquisitions.
Web Site Overhaul: Financial Services
Under an extremely tight timeframe, Laura Stone, Inc. was brought in to help produce an active prototype within one week and a final website in three months. (Typically, this process takes at least six months to complete.) Using breakout sessions and videotaped feedback from customers, we prioritized the content flow and quickly identified limitations as well as enhancements that would give the site the greatest customer satisfaction.
The prototype not only impressed the President and the Executive Council, but also reduced the site development time by half. The web site went on to receive the “Best Financial Trader Site” Award.
Strategy Alignment and Organizational Development: Media
Organizational strategic goals impacted decision-making at all levels. Managers were skilled technically but had minimal management experience. Employee turnover was over 30 percent.
Laura Stone, Inc. was brought in to help align the department. Our detailed process to define and analyze workflow revealed that the Systems team regularly duplicated work. We partnered with senior management to define their priorities and helped create a customized development plan for key talent who needed management skills. This plan, which covered coaching and developing others, strategic planning, project management and leadership, delivered measurable results.
Projects are now completed on time and on budget. Morale has improved dramatically, which has had a direct impact on productivity and reduction in project turnaround time. An estimated $250,000 was saved in the first two months of the project.
Redefining Product Development Strategies: Conglomerate
Laura Stone, Inc. helped bridge the gap and maximize collaboration for the growth of the business. During a highly effective offsite gathering, personal agendas were brought to the forefront and discussed in depth. By creating this critical level of candor, Laura Stone, Inc. enabled the business to clear the air, focus on strategy, and redirect its future.
As a result, the combined business units redefined themselves and realigned resource allocation. Within one year, the company regained market share and stock prices tripled.
Branding Plan Rollout: Investment Banking
Laura Stone, Inc. came in at this critical juncture. In addition to leading a major brainstorming session that tapped the creativity and knowledge of the cross-functional representatives, we also invited marketing experts from outside the company to provide a fresh perspective and a reality check.

The result was the most successful rollout of a branding strategy in the company’s history.

Leadership Training and Development: Financial Services
Within a four-day period, 18 individuals representing 12 countries convened to address critical leadership issues. Laura Stone, Inc. was hired to develop participants in the key areas of facilitation, listening, negotiation and meeting management. Participants also received real-time coaching using videotaped feedback sessions.
Through this training, Laura Stone, Inc. helped increase confidence and effectiveness at the leadership level. Managers came away with heightened skills and specific tools to design and facilitate meetings, resolve conflicts by reconciling differences, and build agreements based on dialogue.
Portfolio Analysis Revamp: Pharmaceutical

The company’s portfolio selection process time was reduced by half and saved over 20% of their annual budget.
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