Key Results: Keeping the End in Mind

The fun part . . .  for some . . . Thinking and dreaming about the future, what might be the outcomes of solving the problem?

Pretend you can watch the movie of the team achieving their purpose two years from now . . .  what would be on the screen? Define the desired results as though you can see them completed.

Provide just enough specificity and leave the room for some magic to happen.

Activity | Team Brainstorm


Define a set of key results that will make the team proud 2-3 years from now. The intention is to provide just enough direction and clarity to see your teamwork realized.

Capture ideas in a shared document, then narrow them down for input onto your Team Game Plan.

Duration: 20-30 minutes


Step 1. Agree on the top four problem statements.

Step 2. Agree on the key outcomes required to advance the team purpose that directly address the problem statements.

Step 3. Brainstorm potential path to addressing the problem statements by drafting the game plan.

Facilitation Questions:

  • What will success look like?
  • How will you know you all have been successful?
  • What will be different? Better? Improved?